Locksmith Norman Park
SMART CHOICE proudly provides EMERGENCY services to Seven Hills and surrounding suburbs.
If you find yourself locked out of your home or office don’t hesitate to call us! Once on the line, you will be speaking to one of our experienced locksmiths who can provide a FREE QUOTE and work out a time to do your job.
Our Locksmiths can open, supply & install and repair any type of lock to ensure that you get back into your property. We are AVAILABLE 24 HOURS OF THE DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK. Call now on 0431 687 797!
If you’re in need of a security update for your home or business then call SMART CHOICE TODAY! We offer a wide range of services for COMMERCIAL and RESIDENTIAL premises including;
- Digital Access Locks
- Master Key Systems
- Simple Door and Window Locks
- Dead Locks
- Your whole house can be keyed alike so one key for all doors
Call us TODAY for a FREE QUOTE on 0431 687 797